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Remembering Jan Frost

Jan Frost

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Remembering Jan Frost


Jan loved and always surrounded herself with flowers. She also loved and surrounded herself with animals, dogs and cats especially. She would tear up with both joy and sadness about beautiful, uplifting animal stories and about the plight of those creatures who can’t speak for or defend and protect themselves from unkind and cruel humans. She was a constant supporter of the RSPCA.

Although flowers are beautiful and appreciated, they don’t last. Whereas donations to the RSPCA can make a lasting difference to the life of an animal. So if you’d like to honour Jan’s memory, please donate the amount you might’ve spent on sending flowers to her family, to help an animal in need instead. Mum would be grateful and proud she could help in some way.

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Donate to make a difference

RSPCA Victoria

For more than 150 years, the RSPCA has been working tirelessly to care for and protect animals. Across Victoria, the RSPCA improves the lives of thousands of animals through the hard work of our dedicated teams.

Our Shelters provide refuge and care and where possible, gives more than 20,000 animals each year a second chance.

Our team of RSPCA Inspectors works to protect animals from cruelty, investigates more than 9,000 estimated reports, prosecutes offenders and rescues animals from dangerous situations. 

Our Education team contributes to prevention strategies by influencing over 13,000 young people about the value and importance of animals in our lives.

As a not-for-profit organisation, the RSPCA relies on community support to care for ‘all creatures great and small’ as only 3% of our operating expenses are supported by a grant from the Victorian State Government. We achieve so much in animal welfare but only because of the generous support of the community.

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